Welcome to our site!
First… let's introduce ourselves!
In the photo you can see Alessandra is Trapped, respectively the pastry chef and the taster (as well as testimonials) became Akhal-Tekè.
Graduated in languages and graphologist, with a great passion for horses and cooking, Alexandra from 2019 started – together with his partner – the production of a handmade line of biscuits for horses based on the use of natural and genuine ingredients.
Biscuits for horses were then added for dogs, besides very good torte e barrette with barley appreciated by all horses!

Why choose Akhal-Tekè?
There are many reward biscuit offers for equids, at first sight everyone the products look equal.
You need to read the ingredients, then you will find that, in many of them, the vegetable raw material is little or none at all.
Il value added of the product is given not only by choice of organic flours ma, mostly, by how much vegetable matter it is used in place of aromas, which can in no way replace, but only artificially enhance the flavor of the biscuit.
All our ingredients are of Italian or EEC origin. Some are zero km, like carrots and apples, others come from Sicily, as our wonderful Italian carob. The aromas are perhaps the best in Italy and have made the history of Italian vermouth.
For the choice of ingredients, Akhal-Tekè does not skimp and will always strive for offer the best for your horses… which are also ours to a certain extent!
Why give reward biscuits to the horse?
Many trainers for years now, breeders and horse lovers are aware of the fact that Prizes and Rewards are very useful for correct education and training, as opposed to fear and punishment, destructive and frustrating for all horses.
You have to measure your actions and be a little bit too’ psychologists with horses, who are animals of rare sensitivity and empathy. Once you have established a form of communication with them, every job, each exercise, every request will be carried out naturally, with complicity and good will.
When you get the right answer from the horse, it is good to reward him with the delicacies he likes most, and for this there is nothing better than OUR COOKIES OR BARS! In this way the horse will feel proud of what he has done and will memorize what happened, doing everything to repeat the action performed and the award subsequently received.
Very often it happens that the horse that eats our biscuits rewards puffs: for the horse it is a way of expressing a state of mind of well-being and relaxation of any tensions, It makes us understand that feels good.
Try our biscuits to find out which taste your horse snorts the most!
Moreover, although not essential in the horse's daily diet, the biscuit reward would complement or replace the raw carrot or apple or other vegetable fiber bearer of equines which have sorely needed, and satisfies their sweet tooth.